The price if aquamarine is very low when compared to that of emerald, yet it is still a gemstone of dignity. The key is to choose an aquamarine with a tone of 2 or more, no grayish color, and a beauty grade of S. As mentioned previously, as tone gets darker many stones will become grayish. Often these stones are priced high, so caution is advised.
A high-quality stone of 2 to 3 carats with a well-executed design and fine workmanship can be a lovely piece of jewelry. Boldly selecting a large stone of 10 to 20 carats with a beautiful aquamarine blue can be another enjoyable option. Large stones of over 5 carats with full color, or fancy-shape cuts with high yield from the rough can be a bargain and are recommended.
The value if a three-carat-size aquamarine of jewelry quality is approximately US $800 for the stone alone (2004). |