Casually wearing fine jewelry on a regular basis shows a refined sense of style. When rings are worn together, they can be enjoyed in various combinations. The rings to the upper right are each slightly wider than two millimeters, about 0.1 inch. They can be worn individually, two or three of the same style can be stacked together, or a different style ring can be worn between tow of them-the combinations are limitless.

Band rings are also lovely when they are worn together with guard rings made of precious metal. For example, if the band-type emerald ring shown on previous page is worn with a simple, two-millimeter 18K yellow gold ring as a guard ring, its appearance will change dramatically, to a very modern look with more volume.

Thin band-type rings are also stackable with a main-stone ring. Especially if the main-stone ring is slightly loose, stacking it with a band-type ring will make it less likely to turn on the finger. Lately, main-stone rings with a construction that makes them easier to wear with guard rings have also been developed.

If possible, the resizing of band-type rings set with gemstones should be avoided. If made smaller, the prongs will spread open, making it easier for the stones to fall out. Conversely, making the size larger will cause the prongs to put dangerous pressure on the stones. If the size needs to be changed drastically, it is best to have the ring remade, even if it costs more. There is a limit to the range of sizes possible, but a competent jeweler should be able to use the materials effectively and remake the ring.
